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Sussex Bird Club | Bird Atlases in the Age of eBird

Sussex Bird Club | Bird Atlases in the Age of eBird

Online & In-Person


Join us The Sussex Bird Club in-person in the library or online for a presentation by Gabriel Foley. For fifty years, bird atlases in North America have been the primary way to precisely map fine-scale bird distributions. Meanwhile, the popular website eBird now houses hundreds of millions of bird observations from across the world, many of which are associated with a precise location, providing unprecedented capabilities for mapping bird distributions. But this advancement has not made atlases irrelevant — on the contrary, atlases and eBird both complement each other. Gabriel Foley, Coordinator for the Maryland & DC Breeding Bird Atlas 3, will discuss how atlasing has changed, how atlases and eBird work together, and how you can contribute.

Gabriel Foley coordinates the Maryland & DC Breeding Bird Atlas 3, a community-science project mapping the distribution of every breeding bird species in the Maryland-DC region. Before heading to Maryland, Gabriel studied how nighthawks choose habitat in the Canadian boreal forest and how weavers in southern Africa build their nests. He also hosted a weekly nature radio show called The Prairie Naturalist, co-founded Bird Names for Birds, and is a trip leader for Quest Nature Tours.

The Sussex Bird Club's primary objective is to promote the knowledge and enjoyment of wild birds through guided field trips and monthly meetings about various aspects of birding. Meetings are open to all and beginning birders are always welcome.

NOTE: this session is available to attend in-person or through Zoom. You MUST REGISTER and indicate which you prefer.

If you have need assistance with registration or getting your Zoom invitation, please email us.

Basic written instructions for using Zoom may be found here and a brief video tutorial may be found here. Closed captioning is available for all our sessions. Information on enabling closed captioning in Zoom may be found here.

This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Sunday, February 11, 2024 Show more dates
2:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern Time
Large Meeting Room
Lewes Public Library
  Adults     Older Adults  
  Community and Culture  
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