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Capital Ringers: Rise Up! Reflect. Ring. Renew.

Capital Ringers: Rise Up! Reflect. Ring. Renew.

“Rise Up! Reflect, Ring, Renew” is a virtual tribute to the community and all we have endured together over the past year. The six selections are inspirational and stirring and just in time for the Fourth of July. Songs include: America the Beautiful, You’ll Never Walk Alone, You Raise Me Up, and Go the Distance. Capital Ringers is a non-profit, community handbell ensemble committed to performing challenging sacred and secular music.

To access, go to https://www.capitalringers.org/delmar-public-library/

Additional information is available on the page.

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Saturday, July 24, 2021 Show more dates
All Day Event Eastern Time
Online Meeting
Delmar Public Library
  Adults     All Ages     Families     Older Adults  
  Arts and Crafts