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CANCELLED - Job Seeker Resources

CANCELLED - Job Seeker Resources


Looking for a job? Need help preparing for an interview? Don’t know where to start on building a resume? Kristin, reference librarian, will show you Delaware Libraries Job Seeker Libguide and how to find a job, where to look for resume assistance and more!

Registration is required. A Zoom invitation with a link and meeting ID will be sent in the initial confirmation email. Please save this email, as you will need it to access the Zoom event. Not familiar with Zoom? Visit https://zoom.us/ for more information. Watch this short Youtube video on how to join a Zoom meeting. Participants can also dial into a meeting via phone and listen if they do not have a computer or smart phone. 

This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Related LibGuide: Job Seeker Resources by Delaware Libraries

Monday, February 22, 2021
3:30pm - 4:30pm Eastern Time
South Coastal Public Library
  Adults     Older Adults     Teens  
  Jobs, Careers, and Entrepreneurship  
Registration has closed.