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Fighting Jim Crow Discrimination and Segregation in Health Care Presented by Mike Dixon: National Minority Health Month

Fighting Jim Crow Discrimination and Segregation in Health Care Presented by Mike Dixon: National Minority Health Month

This program examines the nature of health care for African Americans prior to the passage of modern Civil Rights legislation in the mid-1960s. As people of color struggled with medical needs, they also grappled on another front—segregation and discrimination in the medical system. The program seeks to understand this little-known history by spotlighting the unexplored story on Delmarva, while placing it in the larger regional and national context. Topics include the contributions of African American doctors, nurses, and caregivers; the advances of the Black hospital system, the unique narrative on Delmarva, the struggles by activists to overcome racism, and the movement for equality in medicine and health.

This program has been made possible by Delaware Humanities, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Walk-Ins are welcome.


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Saturday, April 20, 2024
11:00am - 12:00pm Eastern Time
Community Room 2
Appoquinimink Public Library
  Health and Wellness  
Registration has closed.