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Jumpstart Inclusive Cataloging

Jumpstart Inclusive Cataloging

LJ: https://www.libraryjournal.com/event/jumpstart-inclusive-cataloging-apr-2023?utm_campaign=2023%20Professional%20Development&utm_source=email&utm_medium=PDemail&utm_term=InclusiveCatalogingAllElse

While the current, standard classification systems have their benefits, they also often create unnecessary confusion and barriers to equitable access to resources. During this course, you’ll learn how to conduct an equity audit of your cataloging system and learn practical strategies for how to ensure your collections are organized with all people in mind. 

This process can be daunting, but you’re not alone! This course will provide guidance no matter the type of library you work in or the current cataloging system you use. You’ll learn tangible takeaways such as how to make the case for inclusive cataloging to your leadership and how to involve your community. You will leave this one-day intensive with new ideas and strategies for making sustainable change at your library. 

Our transformational online courses have given thousands of librarians the tools and vision for meaningful change. The live session is on Wednesday, April 19, from approximately 12:00-5:00 pm ET (recorded for on-demand viewing).

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
12:00pm - 5:00pm Eastern Time
Delaware Division of Libraries
  Collections     ProfDev  
Registration has closed.