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Friends Without Borders

Friends Without Borders

Let's come together for Friends Without Borders to commemorate World Refugee Day and share an ice cream soda together.  Dr. Melanie Kerber of the Minds in Motion Children's Museum in Salisbury is a career educator and retired school superintendent.  Melanie is also the spouse of a retired Foreign Service officer with overseas and domestic tours in Washington, D.C., the Central African Republic, Kingston, Jamaica and Brussels, Belgium.   Her experiences gave her direct exposure to the realities of families fleeing war-torn nations and seeking refuge in other nations.  She will be sharing what it means to be a refugee and how we can welcome families to our communities. Ages 5-12.  *This program has a capacity of 65 people and seating will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pm Eastern Time
Meeting Room A, Meeting Room B
Greenwood Public Library
  Community and Culture