Event box

Halloween Stories With Strings Attached

Halloween Stories With Strings Attached



Celebrating the haunting thrill of the Halloween season, artists from Delaware Shakespeare Artistic Squad and the Delaware Symphony Orchestra team up to bring you an evening of spooky stories and enchanting music. This will be a night of immortal texts and musical masterpieces delivered by the region’s finest performing artists. Sophisticated yet appropriate for all audiences.

Unique to Delaware Shakespeare, the DelShakes Artistic Squad is a creative and organizational component of the company. A rotating, two-term collective, the Artistic Squad brings ever-evolving points of view to the organization and allows more artists to contribute to the long-term growth of DelShakes. Artistic Squad members work as performers, creative artists, and teachers in a wide array of artistic projects throughout the year. This year, the Artistic Squad is Eric Mills and Izzy Sazak.

This program is co-sponsored by the Lewes Public Library Spoken Word Society and Coastal Concerts.

NOTE: this event is in the Lewes Elementary School auditorium (820 Savannah Road, Lewes). Each individual attending must register.

At the Lewes Elementary School, please park on the side of the building facing Beebe Hospital and use entrance 12, by the flag pole.

The Lewes Spoken Word Society (LSWS) celebrates the tradition and artistry of oral storytelling through lectures, performances, discussions, demonstrations, and other publicly-shared experiences. The LSWS is partially funded by the generous support of the Browseabout Books, Cape Henlopen Lodge #2540, John and Sally Freeman Foundation, Sussex County Department of Libraries, M & T Charitable Foundation, Sussex County Council, Rotary Club of Lewes-Rehoboth Beach, and the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on DelawareScene.com.

Saturday, October 26, 2024
5:00pm - 6:30pm Eastern Time
Lewes Public Library
  Adults     Older Adults  
  Community and Culture  

Registration is required. There are 113 seats available.